National Institute For Mental Health In England To Go Dept Of Health AnnouncementWell, from User Empowerment and User Involvement to back to your jack-only . However, whether this means this useless body of bureaucrats which delivered mainly careers to themselves will somehow be sucking off funds in a different way remains to be seen .
But it has now fallen backwards into the arms of the Dept of Stealthy-Health that preserves career wealth rather well . What a waste this organisation NIMHE has been . Its done nothing that Patient Choice earlier could not have generated as a bottom up led culture of purchasing recovery treatments and special ways for mental health Users to manage and try to contribute back to society .
Is UserWatch happy ? No ......... No-one is here . We sadly think of the colleagues that have gone down the drain and just wanted individual help and instead there were years of the NIMHE meeting after meetings circus .
But NIMHE has created a sandbag organisation in the shape of National Mental Health Development Unit. It will mostly likely collect statistics and merge them into promotionalised sense with skewed supply approaches of almost one size fits all CBT and other measures like heavily gatekeepered "Personalised Budgets" ...
It would have been better to have scrapped it all and made provision for Patient Choice and recovery purchasing power .. Labour however listen to the "experts" - they commit a cardinal error of all State mental health services. "They know best for the minds of others" ... The people that advised who they really took note of were the bureau-careerists ..
But no we do not believe others always know better than the patient .. After crisis, people need lives they can own and recovery strategy they can directly own if that is what want .. That is the culture that needs to grow . That costs money which is in direct competition with the Dept Of Health bureaucratic planning
Crisis cycles are ensured for the future in mental health in the UK because many will not get a power to choose what supports they need ... Demand is thus hidden and sickness will continue whilst new revamped bureaucracies flourish .. The full text from the Dept of Health is below showing what NIMHE is morphing into ..
Tuesday 17 March 2009 13:42
Department of Health (National)
New agency for a new era in mental health
A new agency to ensure national mental health policies bring about real improvements for patients and carers will start work on 1 April, Care Services Minister Phil Hope announced today.
The new agency - the National Mental Health Development Unit - will succeed the current National Institute for Mental Health in England.
The change follows a review of mental health service delivery, taking into account Lord Darzi's NHS Next Stage Review and the need for more personalised services. From April, the ten strategic health authorities* will oversee much of the regional and local delivery of new mental health policies, with support from the new Development Unit.
The Development Unit will continue the momentum in co-ordinating support for key mental health projects such as:
* improving access to talking therapies;
* promoting equalities in mental health services for different groups, based on race, gender and age;
* promoting social inclusion and social justice for people with mental health problems;
* promoting well-being and mental health for the whole population; and
* supporting effective mental health commissioning.
The unit will be led by Dr Ian McPherson, former head of the National Institute for Mental Health.
Care Services Minister Phil Hope said:
"The National Mental Health Development Unit will make sure that mental health services around the country continue to go from strength to strength.
"New Horizons and the Darzi review mean we must actively promote public mental health and well-being, as well as spreading best practice and maintaining world-class mental health services everywhere. The National Mental Health Development Unit will help us do this."
Louis Appleby, National Director of Mental Health Services, said:
"The National Institute for Mental Health demonstrated the importance of having a national body to help care for our mental health. Mental health care reform is as important as ever and I look forward to working with the National Mental Health Development Unit in supporting the delivery of the next generation of mental health policies."
Dr Ian McPherson, Director of the National Mental Health Development Unit said:
"I am privileged to lead this new unit. I recognise that some people may be concerned that as the National Institute for Mental Health is ending, the national profile of mental health could be reduced. I am determined that will not happen.
"I look forward to working with former National Institute for Mental Health colleagues as they establish new regional arrangements to deliver mental health services in a manner more suited to the post-National Service Framework era."
Steve Shrubb, Director of the Mental Health Network, NHS Confederation said:
"The NHS Confederation's mental health network looks forward to working with the National Mental Health Development Unit to build on the impressive work of the National Institute of Mental Health in England in supporting the development and implementation of key strands of mental health policy."
Sir Neil McKay, Chief Executive of NHS East of England who led the review on behalf of the Strategic Health Authority chief executives said:
"The Strategic Health Authorities welcome the Department of Health's commitment to implementing mental health policy on the basis of co-production and the establishment of the National Mental Health Development Unit to support this. Strategic Health Authorities will be using the additional resources they have acquired in these changes to ensure that the key mental health priorities of their regions identified by the Next Stage Review Clinical Pathway Groups are effectively progressed. "
Richard Webb, Joint Chair of the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services Mental Health Network said:
"ADASS welcomes the creation of the National Mental Health Development Unit. NIMHE has played a vital role over the past decade in improving mental health services. However, the New Horizons review gives us the challenge of addressing much broader issues about mental health within society, as well as mental health care, and we look forward to working with the new unit to take these issues forward."
Notes to Editors
More information about the unit can be found on its website http://www.nmhdu.org.uk which will be available from 1 April 2009.
*The ten Strategic Health Authorities cover the following areas: North East, North West, Yorkshire and the Humber, East Midlands, West Midlands, South West, South Central, London, East of England and South East Coast.
Anyone having to deal with the Kafka meets Orwell processing at Jobcentre DoublePlusGood can be excused for feeling a bit down in the dumps. Perhaps they could just accept that there are only half a million minimum wage jobs to about five million jobless and stop treating claimants like it's their fault.
A mortgage to try and keep paying, too "experienced" to be offered work and too broke to be able to afford to study. I've got bloody good reason to be miserable and no amount of psychobabble is going to help with that situation."
08 Mar 09, 12:44pm
This is like holding up a plaster as an effective treatment for testicular cancer. Utter nonsense."
08 Mar 09, 1:35pm
The overgrown State has fucked up royally and now the government wants to throw around yet more band aid to the victims of their fraud and incompetence.
Britain is a depressing place to live in on both the economic front and on the rapid erosion of civil liberties. We are heading for an economic depression in 2010 and as I look on I can see no politicians coming up with real solutions to ending the centuries of boom and bust cycles What people need is hope for the future and confidence in politicians to provide real solutions. This isn't happening, so of course we are 'pissed off', call it depression if you like. It isn't just the unemployed it is more likely the vast majority including the employed wage slaves who are robbed of their hard earned through taxes which are invariably squandered and syphoned into the pockets of those who created and sustained the economic maelstrom.
People are fucking angry, maybe the government should contemplate electro-shock treatment, lobotomies and chemical treatment as mandatory for those who appear to have 'dangerous thoughts' - implemented under anti-terrorist laws? I wouldn't put anything past these authoritarian bastards.
The big State is a complete failure, a complete crock of shite. If a country so cocks up the core roles of small government (defence of the realm, justice, law and order) what arrogance to believe that they have any real authority or credibility in the intricasies of people's everyday lives?
Sort out the economy - bring in Land Value Tax whereby people can be free of the overbearing, corrupt, illiberal and disastrous big State experiment which has spectacularly failed."
And so on ....
UserWatch believes at least some of the readers may well be Guardibots and Labour Cogno-men because we know the age of Sheer-Shattism (a browner version of Fascism) is here and some of the inner players in the circles of planners like Sainbury's Centre For Mental Health and Dicky Layhard as well as Rethink with its eye up the Govt's anus have been in evidence for some time.
Cognitive Behavious Therapy (CBT) is stupid by itself , what should have happened is patient's choosing from plenty of other therapy supply sides already in existence . Let patients start to create the culture that drives quality . But, Labour has to control control control ..
The inner-toon-truth (above) captured by KAKATOO shows Cogno-behaviour-men with large heads in the shape of a :
"G" - do exist and some have Elvis Presley quiff like prominances from their heads too.
When this is all decoded it simply means Rock and Roll is over - Now it's "Cog and Roll" and cofee is out - its bread and water .. In the Mental Health Community its always been like that except for the Eliter-User-Groups in performance bubbles kept by NHS Mental Health Trusts for box-ticking ..
This New Labour symptom of "Mechanicality" has occured because they miss industrial workers and the working class and deep down need someone oppressed to represent. The plan is to begin the oppression under Labour and let the Tories later continue until in 7 years time Labour will save the Class of mind mechanicalised slaves making fuck all for no-one in particular ...
Suddenly we are all inside mass illogicality ... And the image makers are in serious farcking trouble .. Bankers have created a hole in Sense-Space where everyone was warped and everyone wants more illusions to close the hole ... Money has nearly lost its ragged pants and its arse is showing as it runs about in panic needing CBT ..