Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Mental Health Arts User Group North Birmingham Community Arts Makes Local Connections

Vesey Arts & Crafts And North Birmingham Community Arts

USERWATCH April 2008

One of the problems of a User Led Arts group we at UserWatch note is making the break away from the statutory services and the merry go round of the "mental health economy" populated as it is with circles and cycles of fitter ex Users and large charities all looking for economic opportunities . We do believe all Users should get development grants for activities that will enable any part of of their more broken creativity to flourish and bring about social good

We can see that this notion of breaking away though is not easy because MH Users are not fit people - have irregular capacities and are not underpinned very easily by local support grants to sustain their strategies across a few years of finding their feet - even to the point of launching a few of their members off into genuine mainstream activities and even some types of work ..

We do know of mental health members of North Birmingham Community Arts that spontaneously sought employment chances after going there .

"They were spontaneous acts of having gained some strength by members who created their own pace of recovery ....." A member of NBCA reported to us

This is why its good to note that NBCA are looking outwardly for some help and connection from local businesses and that strategy is to be welcomed. Its good that NBCA is also celebrating local connections and we hear it will do that a lot more to attract support for its aims ..


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