Thursday, April 23, 2009

Re-instate Margaret Haywood Nurse - Petition Horse Gallops On Through Time


The Petition Gallops on Through Time

The petition to reinstate Margaret Haywood the Whistleblowing Nurse who exposed problems on a ward and helped the BBC film conditions at the Royal Sussex Hospital in Brighton because no-one was listening- highlights the serious underlying battle between the State and the public . Do we have a public service truly viewable by the public rather than "clever" appointees, or do we have a secret service that wants to overly control the public point of view ?


A poster "Mary Nolze" on expresses a lot of sense to the UK audience who may come here and its worth considering :

"I agree with the previous comments. I think it is a good idea though as well as signing the petition and talking about it on the net, to write a good old fashioned strongly worded letter to the NMC on good old writing paper, putting all the argument but stressing the total loss of faith that the public have in the corporate, manager driven NHS with its lack of humanity except at the lowest levels.

The NMC has got to show that it cares at ward level otherwise they will be seen as a redundant "jobs for the boys" Quango of the worst kind, which come the revolution ( which I don't really look forward to!) will be swept aside.

We simply cannot afford to carry this sort of prestigiuous body unless they have true courage and moral values. This is what I am doing now."



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