Monday, April 20, 2009

Margaret Haywood De-registered Nurse Petition Gallops Toward 6000


This petition is a galloping one and is likely to hit 6000 by late tonight ... It has seized the feelings and imaginations of people who are pissed off with idiot-authority and realise Margaret Haywood whistleblew and helped the BBC film conditions at the Royal Sussex Hospital in Brighton because no-one was listening . The tosspot idea of booting (de-registering) Margaret Haywood and lifetime banning her for breach of patient confidentiality as the Nursing and Midwifery Council did was crazy and does nothing to understand her double bind and the public will in this matter.

All the patients the BBC and Margaret Haywood filmed allowed her to show the truth about the ward they were on . This is case of the system and those who play within it using confidentiality to utterly cripple accountability as usual .. Patient's may well be tactically advised to give advance permission notices to nurses and media to act for their best interests because the NMC has lost that point, and so did the Royal Sussex Hospital in Brighton...


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