Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mental Health - Unweaving The Bad Pyramid Tapestry


De-humanising Services - Re-inforcing the Corpocracy

UserWatch Comments 23rd Sept 2008

Trust's like Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust are of course part of the weave of policy of a Govt that has partly americanised its view of the world (and boy how that needs re-thinking !) and how to meet human needs corporately , whilst holding onto the need to satisfy a large workforce of traditonally unionised staff .

System delivery health care in mental health UK cannot work well because the truth of repairing human damage has to be at a relational level for most patients and that sadly is negatively caught up in the NHS UK by the Govt's new politico-charity brigades. - and of course the chemico-squads .

The mental health charities are Govt planning agents now at a "wrist length", and create spin-sights of the mass of patients with Govt propaganda nods about "stigma" that in the UK skews the argument towards getting patients back to work, when many have hardly ever experienced, good relational navigation of their emotional distresses and long term fragmentation patterns and integration of trauma .

Forget it that most psychosis or types of painful mental illness is somehow intrinsic to the genes of the patient . A lot of patients have been seriously abused as kids and kept inside social contexts of absolutely no internal validation or subtle longer term inner isolation and emotional identity loss .

Time and time again we have had this reported and confirmed to members of UserWatch, and from both staff and patients... We are dealing in mental health with a cultural epidemic of useless empathic practice coupled with anti individual anti feeling-self , services.

Who could ever emotionally re-integrate their pain and story of distresses and "lost self" in those?

We've learned today that POLYCLINICS - which concentrate (Doctors - General Practitioners) G.P's and other resources under one larger roof and which appear to be the Govt's way of getting rid of the G.P. relational axis with patients are likely to create a lack of trust because the same doctor in all likelihood will not be seen at them..

Well well well ... And Yes, Well done Leicester University for studying this and actually coming out with the obvious.

Labour is creating local de-relationality (GOD WHAT A PHRASE) - it is de-realising the patient into Mr and Mrs and Citizen Concept-Corpocracy... New NHS management hell words and phrases are everywhere now - so we though we would throw a few of ours in ...At least we are trying to de-construct the dehumanising Labour bullshit ..

Labour, especially in mental health does not trust the patient widely to create packages for their own recovery and managements - it puts the equation of "savings" and Trusts creating surplus in front of that now .. At UserWatch we see this abandons patients into stress-corners where crisis is hidden in the community ...

Tony Blair - former Labour Prime Minister of the UK was impressed by America - the Wiscosin workfare regimes, and that has led to wholesale rethinking of now not just wider unemployment benefits but an attack on longer term mental health patients too who never have the choice to negotiate with a system that will not let them really shape packages of care to get them to the best functionality they can achieve. We would say this is a de-humanising approach wouldn't you ..

Yesterday at the Labout Party Conference two UserWatch observers we got planted there heard the Trade Union bosses playing at opposition to Gordon Brown and others, who for years sucked up to the now failing financial and corporate sectors .

"We don't want our party sucking up to speculators and spivs " They said

Our UserWatch observers reported they were confused because most of the Trade Union bosses were wearing suits worth hundreds of pounds - driving in very expensive cars and they nearly all had deep tans...A few of them had second properties according to what our observers winkled out from behind the scenes ....

We ask : Is this SELF HATRED then - Are Trade Union Bosses looking into mirrors ?

We think the labour pyramid was built on the speculation that local services and local democracy and local connectedness are worth very little in a well supported well "oiled" corporate world - we cannot wait to see this unravel because of its long term dehumanising cruelty ..

However, local disengagement is well entrenched under Labour and all other parties ... Maybe an even bigger oil shock is needed so that production and local work and looking after each other with better instruments of local democracy can be reborn ?

What we doubt is Labour's false localism of its NHS bureaucrats now morphing into new lottery supported "Social" firms .. Labour found a way to even its own to abuse the spirit of local growth with the new Community Interest Companies (see Our earlier report on GateWay Family Services ) so it could decant its fattened bureacracy, and spare capacity bureaucrats into new areas of parasitism without true local control by the people and goddammit the workless classes with their lottery tickets have actually been paying for it .

Who benefitted under Labour ?

The expanded middle classes , corporate bureaucracy and anyone who would twist themselves into Labour's unreal agendas



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