Monday, July 12, 2010

Scream Away ! Lansley To Get Rid Of NHS Bureaucracy !


Andrew Lansley , Conservative and Coalition Secretary of State for Health has today announced the changes to the NHS. BBC has it covered by live T.V. (see above)

Primary Care Trusts (Commissioners) and Strategic Health Authority (Performance management's functions) are to go through phasing out . GP's are to get commissioning budgets and "QuANGO's" are to go . Patient Choice is to grow . Well, lets see what it brings for the bottom of the pile in mental health .

The Labour Government though gave no real culture of patient choices of mental health therapies any chance to grow (where it could have) with its reign of Top Down we-know-best CBT porridge of forget your inner life damages and get on with a "mindful present" ..

"Get to work and sludge about - good porridgers do .." That was the policy in the UK ..

According to Lansley patient's will have far more control over information affecting them and their own health records . Local Involvement Networks (LINks) will evolve into "HealthWatch" and local authorities will have increased control over budgets affecting their own health areas where there is a need for efficiencies with Health and Social Care .....

All this sounds like some previous Labour Government plans will get the thumbs up, for instance in Birmingham, the Birmingham Well Being Partnership with its links to "JNSA" - Joint Needs Strategic Assessment - mechanisms and "Section 75" pooled budgets for co-financed Health and Social Care services .

So its clear some serious structural change will occur around the PCT commissioning and SHA performance managing sides of NHS operationality . This may give way to GP's having to increase their commissioning expertise and thus increasing their admin needs . At least that appears to be closer to the patient but the interim hand over periods of commissioning power are likely to see a mangle tangle period of bureaucracy.

Competitive tendering though is likely to increase and Patient Choice may really get its chance to influence the market and its quality ... Time will see ....

Some GP's in Birmingham are taking more responsibility already for mental health patients in their localities under a PCT Locally Enhanced Service (paying GP's more) arrangement and there is a trend to "primarise" serious mental illness into a different format of "social Inclusion , recovery/work or training" care model . Does this look likely to increase ? Will it survive the new NHS plans ? The answer is probably yes since there is no convincing evidence that Mental Health Users will be given therapy , recovery and condition managment choices, without having a State agenda menu put in front of them to digest.

And that goes for all types of mental health from severe MH to "lighter-weight" depressive conditions.

The UK over these sorry last 13 years of Labour was not fit not for economic purpose (export led productivity) but for illusions of middle class (education education education) Uni-lives that fitted into banking and social engineering jobs that hot aired off into a chinese paper balloon sky. The party is over and the black hard boots are being re-fitted up for the workless arses....

Mental Health was fitted up by the social engineering classes andUni-types of the defunct NIMHE and the now National Development Mental Health Unit which has prospered with bureau-jobs trying to make sure Mental Health Users were CBT-eed up ready for work which did not exist at all . The mystification of Labour's policies are now left to be untangled by a Coalition Govt.

Remember there's no sanity pill , you and the distorted system, are twisted ill....


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