Saturday, December 08, 2007


UserWatch knows that across the UK the situation is very bad for Service Users. Plenty of them are in prison now renamed "Prisoners" and the wholesale selling off of the lands of the former asylums for middle class housing , for the speculative rented sector, with a very few packages of social housing was poorly thought out , cheaply done, and has asset stripped localities in being able to effectively respond locally to mental health needs .. Corporate Big Brother is here ... In more than one way .....

When interviewed by a UserWatch, Medium Randall McMurphy said : " In Birmingham And Solihull Mental Health Trust (as in other places UW) the Corporate Cuckoo is the nest and the nest keeps kicking out nakedly helpless people or otherwise defining them as bad eggs so it leaves them out of the nest in their broken shells..."

There will be a anti corporate cuckoo political backlash .....Its just a matter of time because we have gone from huge loping but more locally based giants toward the poorly supplied, over-merged, over-advised by Sainsbury's Centre For Mental Health, supermarket trolley-cognitive loving services.

The paradox of the SCMH advised modernisation is "Beyond The Water Towers" the prisons are the new asylums...SCMH is ofcourse a national charity the hub driver along with its networkers of so called "mental health reform" charities all busily looking for their new Third Sector Charity-Govt State place in the Cuckoo-nest ...

At the glossy nest checkout , if Service Users manage to get into the queue at all for services, the patient's face is eventually grey feathered and the grey metal teeth stick out from their feathery heads. This is not a good new world. It is the mechanics of anti-choice , anti individual, anti-growth, anti care, anti local services. It is the anti service services and that is what STAFF are saying too ...

More broadly the state of the UK services is apalling: From John Carvel's Dec 7th 2007 Social Affairs Guardian Report :

Tens of thousands of people going through a severe mental health crisis are being deprived of the NHS treatment and support that was promised by the government, parliament's spending watchdog disclosed today

Some of The Alice in Serviceland ex-Users (god bless them) in small Trust kept costly privileged circles are used every year to "promote" ....

The coldhearted truth is, as asylum supplies of places of safety dried up across years, the prisons opened their doors for busted damaged people, and the remaining services put themselves behind bars to Service Users in the community. They did this to heavily rationed recovery and management services, even in acute situations where Users truly fear to tread within themselves, and then those same Users go into crisis, then get "treated" in NHS batch 22 circularities......

YES Its: Cuck yoo quickly then get tossed off again

All that remains to do for many Service Users is to try survive and watch the terrible barred Art of it all .

We hope our UserWatch visitors increasingly from the NHS UK realise just what "SICK" really means .....We promise to help you more in the future to understand "measurement by experience " ......

Its a Service Users science of the feeling of feelings, and measuring them by actually feeling them ..


Links : STORY : "Dying Inside" Juliet Lyon Guardian Sept 21st 2007


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