A UserWatch Collective Writer
UPDATE : Under the new Clinical Commissioning Groups, (CCG's) rapidly growing in Birmingham into pointed new churches of hyper-bureau-spires with GP Gods, who have "spired up" from flatter pyramid designs in Birmingham we have the old Primary Care Trust Team thinkers planning mental health provisions in old ways : "modernised" ... This is not good news ... It is all: "Work Is Recovery" - instead of "Treatments First" at the Patient Choice demand level. Mental Health Commissioners in Birmingham (from PCT's) who should have been dis-invented long ago are still designing the UK mental health world without proper full Patient Choice in mental health. Remember in mental health discrimination exists and is perpetuated by Commissioners and Governments because there are no real choices of recovery provision. Certainly no patient-experience drivers for better recovery treatments (post crisis) which fit patients better by their choices with their own portable budgets which competitively raise the game of therapy provision that works for people. In other words a market therapies culture, led by service user culture, that really tests the NHS monopoly branding of CBT soup with drugs for all with a dash of other more superficial therapies....
No, you won't get a serious market like that under Labour (with it's bureau-classes in deep tidal undertow) or with Tories who have a keen eye on cost restrictions. What you have between the two Red Mad/Blue Sad Party State is "Work Recovery" services ... With a ton of shibbolethic insider phrases in Commissioner documents like: "peer led services" and other gumph.....Rather than "resolution of emotional life crises done by longer term therapy"
In Birmingham, Better Pathways, an ex industrial therapy service is the head of the latest Consortia in 2018 taking over "Integrated" - "Recovery" services and that sat years ago at the table of the PCT Mental Health Commissioners ... Like Birmingham MIND .... Another organization that is really less like a Charity now and more like a business for more admin classes..... What is seriously bad about these evolving "peer led" services embedded in 3rd Sector alliances is the way they falsify real recovery .....
Some service users are bought off by roles of "importance" that give them bits of power over other service users.... At the bottom of that well designed modernised social ditch is a feeling of shit ...Yes shit.. Why is that ? Because the system is using people (Users) against people (Users) who barely have lives and crave bits of importance ...It's another layer of socially justified neurosis where real needs for healing and personal integration will not happen, instead it's a co-dependent compensatory measure of bad faith in truer healing.
It lacks integrity and truthful authentic healing.....It is the modernised "Workhouse" come back from the emotionally thick-torian past and it does not believe in healing but forceful integration into a messy city of over-immigrated EU and other populations looking for resources, bottom end jobs, in competition with anyone, and that includes mind-crippled unhealed Service Users ....Can this work ? No, but it will be promoted as if it can.....
Meanwhile we all continually pay in the UK for "Incapacity Benefits" still for the UK banking world which sold everyone out on casino banking with the global gambling of packaged false debts sold as sub prime "investments" ....
Some service users are bought off by roles of "importance" that give them bits of power over other service users.... At the bottom of that well designed modernised social ditch is a feeling of shit ...Yes shit.. Why is that ? Because the system is using people (Users) against people (Users) who barely have lives and crave bits of importance ...It's another layer of socially justified neurosis where real needs for healing and personal integration will not happen, instead it's a co-dependent compensatory measure of bad faith in truer healing.
It lacks integrity and truthful authentic healing.....It is the modernised "Workhouse" come back from the emotionally thick-torian past and it does not believe in healing but forceful integration into a messy city of over-immigrated EU and other populations looking for resources, bottom end jobs, in competition with anyone, and that includes mind-crippled unhealed Service Users ....Can this work ? No, but it will be promoted as if it can.....
Meanwhile we all continually pay in the UK for "Incapacity Benefits" still for the UK banking world which sold everyone out on casino banking with the global gambling of packaged false debts sold as sub prime "investments" ....
Mental Health Commissioners in Birmingham are a sitting class-pretty with nice lives, holidays , retirement plans etc but push old ideas which will injure service user lives rather than heal them by enfranchisement of Patient Choice of treatments.
Mind you the Commissioners are going to dole out "Personal health budgets" of a possible £800 for about 73 service Users by about 2019/20... Those budgets UserWatch believes will be shaped around: "Work Is Recovery" .... Rather than any Patient Choice therapy led provisions for the many Service Users who were mistreated badly as kids and remain a buried lost factor in Mental Health Services who will barely admit a large number of their patients are in fact long term child and social abuse victims...... Who needs therapy ! ...Work for your living! Yeahhh ...... Sure ...
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