Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Mental Health: Another Birmingham And Solihull Mental Health Trust UserWatch Competition Winner



Accompanied by a rare War-hole-ish Kakatoo copy of that roaming bloody NHS cake aged 60 we show another mental health artist poem winner below . We understand the poem is dedicated to all those financiers who are now sitting at the decision table of people's health at the very punderful Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Trust

NHS Cakeschwitz

Oh darling mix my cake
From human themes
And ash

For it is conscience-bones I eat
Converted from sick cash

I was a service cake of health
But now I am a class
Of finance hell and wealth

Around the tables at the top
Champagne of money
And of blood
Goes pop

And the trolley furnaced
Service Users
All ash from missing cash

They never stop.....

Silvis Rivers Copyright 2008


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