Friday, April 01, 2011

Social Workers In Birmingham Gather And Protest


SWAN Conference

Film above and an extract below from the social workers Social Workers Action Network protesting about cuts . They are going to meet on 15th and 16th April by the look of it by the Birmingham University . We have had to screen capture their text (its not copyable as text ) and below is their advice about using the social media .. Wellllll it helps if you can copy text for a start ..

Their Full Document/Programme Is Here

We are genuinely not sure where everyone is going with "protest" though and the idea that someone out there or in here or somewhere or others can restore a State where needs can be met . In mental health where needs are often diverted into new ideologies of the day and corporate strategy, the idea of User Involvement was hijacked by careerists some of whom were every bit as greedy and selfish as so called "capitalists" ....Everyone banks on opportunities and bankers just did it too much speculatively (bastards!)

The bigger truth is humans look after themselves all the time and some accumulate more wealth because they are greedy animals at base that want more life opportunities or bigger self reflections to look at . Big brains means the likelihood of big imbalanced egos too .. Yep, people are bastards ...And have a guess what - all of us are people .. Except at UserWatch we are actually dogs that can write ...


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