Wednesday, May 27, 2009

UK Personality Disorder Spectrum Survey Launched May 27th 2009

By Art De Rivers NowPublic.Com - UK Mental Health Story

Kate Logan of Gateshead passed away in 2007 and her friends spanned the UK and parts of the world. Kate had Borderline Personality Disorder . That disorder, where attachments and insecurity become exaggerated features of inner life, and where the pain of that inner life is like tortured fires burning the soul of a red razor walker - and it can kill .

Kate took pills in 2007 and died . The full Coroners report is not yet out and her NHS Trust reportedly appear to have been very very slow in yielding all the information up for consideration .
Her friends and those close to her, felt she had little treatment of any worth .. In fact some believe inadequate treatment and the poor behaviour by the NHS contributed to her death
Her friends kept her memory alive Online glittering in a carmine memory-pink logo - which in its own way says "Farewell , we will remember you " and some have tried to form a way forwards to help others - partly in her memory . This has taken the shape of Online harbour of some friendship in forums .
Yet forums too are often an expression of the powerlessness in which there are echoes of an abandoning UK NHS system which creates little therapeutic growth and containment and leaves it to the world's winds . Perhaps now a survey spark has lit some extra hope.
Its this overall sad context that inspired the Online UK wide survey to capture key information about UKUser-Satisfaction with the NHS services.
Its time more Users owned the right to measure the services back . Its a first perhaps, and is a small step forwards on the UK feeling of social and services moons of Personality Disordered abandonment.

And many do complain they are abandoned to no help , no therapy , no emotional resolutions to things like child abuse and the pain of it - to being heard out more fully ..Theirs is a life of struggle to be heard from long ago....
The Survey embraces not only Personality Disorder but Borderline PD and PTSD and Complex PTSD as well as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) ..

All appear to be undernourished parts of the spectrum of human differentness - without much help - this channel will keep you posted .

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Community Treatment Orders : No's By UK Trust : FOIA Result From CQC

Community Treatment Orders by Specific Trust in the UK
Obtained From the Care Quality Commission UK
UnderThe Freedom of Information Act






Monday, May 11, 2009

Wealthy Healthy Ministers Claim Jam Galore In UK Pots

By Art De Rivers UK

(Credit to Health Service Journal - Sally Gainsbury)

Mr Sterling Pound tends to magically tempt people , you know a bit like MP's - into expensive sweet jampots where they may get stuck - especially if the jam is a bit sticky and belongs to a shared pot of fair spreads for all ..

Nothing tempts children like having another mouthful of someone else's jam . MP's are similar to children although children may later form protest groups about this scurrilous statement ..
The MP's expenses and jammy fallout is making a few Parliamentary Pigures - sorry Figures into greedy little bees... Jamsucking away ..And the proof has been gathered by well crafted Journo-netters. The Telegraph has led on the MP expenses claims stories and others have piled in with their angles .

Over to Sally Gainsbury - a lovely Netter - of Health Service Journal UK

"Health ministers and MPs on the shadow health team are among those named and shamed by The Daily Telegraph’s exposé of MP expenses claims.

The biggest claimant among the health ministers was care services minister Phil Hope, who the newspaper says claimed £83,654 between 2004-05 and 2007-08, much of it on furniture and renovations to his London flat, including a new kitchen and wooden flooring."

And of Andrew Lansley -- now known as : "Jamdrew" , Sally ace Jam Netter of the HSJ reports :

"The newspaper [Telegraph] does not mention whether or not Conservative shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley jointly owned his Cambridgeshire cottage and London flat with his wife. However, it says his total £78,370 claims included the cost of decorating the cottage, which he later sold for £433,000, shortly before he transferred second home status to his London flat.

Mr Lansley denies the implication he “flipped” his residence to exploit the expenses system, which allows MPs to claim up to £24,222 a year to cover the costs of rent, interest payments and running costs on their designated second homes."

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Delayed Whistleblowing Syndrome at Mid Staffs Hospital By Coughing Up Managers

By Art De Rivers UserWatch Member

Health Service Journal (HSJ) in the UK deserve some credit for helping NHS managers at Mid Staffs NHS Trust to open up about the appalling standards of care . Does this mean NHS whistle blowing, though delayed beyond saving real lives previously is developing shrilling and thrilling biceps ?

HSJ have created a survey of Mid Staffs managers and shortly this piece will show links to that .

The Mid Staffordshire Hospital's extra 400 deaths (beyond the expected rate) story runs on and on and has shown probably only one consultant had the conscience and foresight to get the mortality figures looked at again. It seems the holy triple spirits of the now defunct Health Care Commission and West Mids Strategic Health Authority ( and Monitor the Independent Regulator of NHS Foundation Trusts missed the phenomenon and the 2003 credo of the then Labour's Govt's Secretary of State John Reid's :"Trust Me I am a Patient" went into the health service mortuary too

Health Service Journal :

"6 May, 2009 | Updated: 7 May, 2009 0:00 am

Around half of hospital managers and other staff believe elements of poor standards found at Mid Staffordshire foundation trust exist at their own organisation, a HSJ straw poll suggests.

Fifty-two of 103 respondents - mainly acute managers - said they recognised parts of the poor management and governance highlighted by the Healthcare Commission in March.

Forty-two said they recognised elements of the care standards that were criticised.

Everyone will note in the May 5th 2009 promotion of the public Mid Staff's meeting the lawyers are in presence too ...Leigh Day Solicitors . Hmmmm... Very interesting . Out of the 400 extra dead at Mid Staffs the lawyers may yet well find a case too for corporate manslaughter ..

But Julie Bailey , of Cure the NHS : (quote)

"This site is firstly dedicated to Bella Bailey 16/02/1921 - 08/11/2007 ... and also to the many others who have lost their lives needlessly on wards in Staffordshire General Hospital. We launched this campaign after witnessing 8 weeks of elderly care in this hospital. What we saw after the first few days left us fearing for my Mother's life and too frightened to leave her. We stayed by her side sleeping on a chair for 8 weeks, because we did I believe my Mother stayed alive for those eight weeks. "

(end quote)

whose mother Bella died even though Julie tried to save her and nurse her for eight weeks has instructed Leigh Day solicitors to bring a case against the Secretary of State for Health :

"Update on Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust 01 May 2009

Cure the NHS will be holding a public meeting on 5 May 2009 to discuss the Secretary of State’s announcement to defer his decision of whether to hold a public inquiry into Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust (the Trust).

Richard Stein and Rosa Curling instructed by Julie Bailey and Chris Dalziel of Cure the NHS wrote a letter before action to the Secretary of State on 27 March 2009 stating that his decision not to hold a public inquiry into the Trust was unlawful under Article 2 and 3 of the Human Rights Act.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Who Cares Kills ? - The Case of Humber Mental Health Trust NHS UK


The BBC 5th May 2009 report on the 2005 killing of a 31 year old mother of five also pregnant with twins, by a Paranoid Schizophrenic has other concerning systemic story-weaves within it . The BBC report, states :

"Benjamin Holiday, 25, a paranoid schizophrenic, killed Tina Stevenson in Hull after missing his medication. An independent investigation found his mental health problem was "under-treated" and his condition should have been "more assertively managed".

On a number of stories (See at the bottom of this story) on Art De River's channel demonstrates a link between under-serving patients in the UK NHS (even sometimes killing them) and NHS Trusts clearing debts or making non-profit surpluses as the now new Gov't idealised "Foundation Trusts" (FT's) .

This particular pattern of new NHS FT ambitions and related financial activity coupled with risk to patients, has been happening over years and in the case of Benjamin Holiday, the Humber Mental Health Trust (HMHT) has been like other Trusts - practicing lean management - to clear "debt".

This "debt" though, arguably it has to be repeated, is often the result of rationed allowances from the Dept Of Health.. One might term the "debt" consistent underpayment for patient need in reality . Considering the amount of money the UK Gov't can find for banks it does rather create a new perspective on UK health economics too . Some of the public may feel the NHS should become a bank.

The Humber Mental Health Trust though has been trying to make surpluses because a key factor in its performance is to become a "Foundation Trust" and to do so it has to put in its bid to the Independent FT Regulator : MONITOR - with a "healthy" balance and surplus in evidence ..

The incentive to become and FT is not purely idealistic because it is clear that Monitor will look for take-over-mergers where NHS Hospital Trusts fail to become FT's and that means top-job losses ..

From the Humber MHT's accounts :

It is into this new NHS shaping context that the rush to perform and become FT's must be seen and in which patient's care (or patient care being compromised) is part of the weave .

In the years 2005 and 2006 the Humber MHT achieved a small surplus but redundancy costs meant they reduced staff and paid for it . That's like reducing care and then paying again for the reduction of it .

Benjamin Holliday was as the BBC states "undertreated" - well he would be if they were not enough staff .

The BBC report also states :

"The Trust also apologised after being criticised over the care of a mentally-ill man who killed his elderly mother in 2003 Michael Torrie, then aged 43, cut his 82-year-old mother Ivy's throat at their home in Pocklington, East Yorkshire, after a "rapid reduction" in his medication, the report said."

Subsequently Humber Mental Health Trust has made another surplus in 2007 - 8 . Its a Trust that needs watching carefully .

From 2007 - 2008 HMHT Accounts :

"Summary of the financial year : This was a successful year financially for our Trust with all statutory duties being achieved together with a surplus for the year of £353,000 which meant that the target surplus of 0.5% of relevant income was achieved."

See also : other story links from Channel showing where NHS Trusts have made surpluses and patients have been under-served and/or sometimes have died .

1. Mid Staff NHS Trust £886k surplus

2. Birmingham Children's Hospital £2.3 Million

3. South London and Maudsley MH Trust £5 + million

4. Kingston Hospital Trust £2.7 million

See Also Other UserWatch Stories (Surpluses versus Care) Below :

5. Bedford and Luton MH Trust

6. Bradford MH Trust £550 K / Death of Jonathon Brannan

7 Islington Mental Health Trust Colville Marks ref £1.7 Million

Interesting Links :

Wife Of A Schitzophrenic

Ron Peponis Blog