Friday, May 16, 2008

Mental Heath Rabbit Dances Past Social Inclusion Fire Ring

Picture By Silvis Rivers 2008

UserWatch Reports 17th May 2008

We think there will be a podcast soon to add to this story [YES ITS HERE NOW CLICK HERE] ..Its a continuing local story of State Control over the Mental Health User Agenda . Now its down to actually badging patients with plastic token involvement : "I AM A SOCIAL INCLUDEE".......Yes there are real actual badges being made now ...

Right ......So any patient who does not wish to play at being badged must be an "Excludee" of some sort .....? .......Is their badge invisible ? Worn in the soul perhaps ? Whenever will damaged people who are long term patients be people who are not used by the State with its cheap drive to workarse people ? Wait for the podcast at UserWatch..... We do note some mental health rabbits are clever enough to dance over the contrary in-house social-inclusion-fire-rings .... Asbestos socks is on our list at UserWatch too after all some of us are fur-less.....


Made by Mandy said...

Are the badge wearing 'socially included' going to be acting as mentors to bring other service users into the herd?

I don't mind if someone gets a sense of purpose out of wearing a badge as long as they don't think that is a passage of rights to being in a class above other service users.

We don't need a tiered system of inclusion. Well, I don't.

I would much prefer to do things as and when I am able and to be allowed respite and peace when I am not.

PatientGuard said...

This has no place in a sane fully resourced approach...I know of the person and its so sad and cynical for a service that cannot be bothered to sort out the axis of their real pain and grief ...

Meeting their real need is a job for real therapy and emotional work with their pain that I have seen them in, not a bullshit badge which glosses over their deeply pained attachment problems ..

Fuck the staff who do this they are indulging in inner bullshit-land


PatientGuard said...

To move on from serious attachment problems is the "work of grief" which is time consuming but also personally soldifying and rooting. The NHS is shit at this type of work.

Beyond the work of mourning (in this case its never been addressed properly) there is the personal work of assisted recovery but that demands resources such as those (100 million +) that were wasted by a needles NIMHE with its trails of meetings and concentration of system delivery logics and mass coggery .....

Fuck the system I will not give up on the individual because in reality that is reality .
