Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Rethink Is It A Duplicitous Mental Health Charity ?

It appears, as others on Mandy's Lifeboat (UK) have written, there is no heed to independent thought in the mental health (MH) User's no-mans lands of the UK where a shaggy war torn authenticity roams.....

Journalists like Mary Ohara of the Guardian and there are others, who benefit from mental health charity accolades because they endorse the Gov't work driven anti-patient choice ideology are just a another symptom of Serious Diverted insightus...

Quite a few NHS Trust paid ex mental health service Users have it now too ....

Patient Choice has been relegated to a few people on Direct Payments scattered here and there in a few DP waterholes in the UK authenticity desert picking daises god bless them .....The vast majority are waiting for the Gov't Staffia whacking, that was lined up for them by the mental health charities like Re-think ...A surrey originated charity empire..

Paul Jenkins 20 years a DOH civil servant came to Re-think as CEO only in the last few years after Cliff Prior left to work at UnLTD which is part of the Big Lottery empire ....

We've noted at UserWatch how difficult it is for a better kind of lottery funded localism to operate without Gov't agenda's all over it now ...Mental Health Charities too like NSUN (a baseless invention by a few) who were handed 500k and then another 250k are able now to hand out UK Comic Relief Charity funds to others they favour and adjudicate as worthy ... Is any of this over-arching power being investigated by Journalists ? NO . Why not ? Because the MH journalists are part of the circles of unofficial power networks and their objectivity is looped into those circles .....Rethink and MIND are now happily sharing out 18 million of Big Lottery funding on mind shaping anti-stigma propaganda

MIND the national mental health charity, award accolades to MH interested Journalists every year ...It keeps the top-down pyramid of London powers and charity influences alive and well ...

The patient ? Is still in the trough being converted to charity pounds and being eaten up ....

Rethink behind the scenes with Gov't, have been influencing the new "Workarse" agenda ... At UserWatch we know of people without treatments . People who do not fit the performance agenda of Trusts for easy social inclusion box ticking . We know of Rethink getting so pushy at a Centre with Users trying to make them work, that the Users decided to become street refugees or find other spaces as long as they got away from the charity ..

Rethink want anti stigma, the new illusion cavalry charge in mental health, to become the spur for a changed "mind" in society.....Employers too are to be targeted ... Quite what happend to the patient though stating their own needs and getting what they need to determine their own life is left behind or is latched into CBT (therapy) work drives and entry level employment activities at Trusts who now completey dis-label patients away from any deeper help or choices . This is what the mental health charities caused.

Now Rethink want mental health Users to become more involved in their self contradictions - after supporting the new "workarse" welfare to work philsophy with Gov't its looking a bit tough - click on the text pictured below :

They want (you) the UK patients to contact their MP's to lobby for a better deal when Incapacity Welfare Benefit changes into Employment Support Allowance for all the disabled groups in society .....Amazing ....Its as if Rethink do not experience themselves being seen for being multi headed and split minded ....."Lets all join in the illusion" .....How mad is that ?

As for treatment that fits mental health Users outside of psychosis which Rethink has extrapolated its vision from - well Miss Monopoly NHS was never going to give people much therapeutic help anyway for their damaged lives because she was too busy being manipulated by the Govt's hand ..

Always remember in authenticity and UserWatch terms :

"Who Cares Sins "

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