Saturday, January 24, 2009

Mental Health Fears For BBC As It Goes Into Blue Petrification Over GAZA


The Blue Petrified BBC ?

Can the BBC be treated for its Blue Petrification ? Maybe , if its wound down and the money that powers it starts to give choice via the market . £3.5 Billion is a lot of cash and should be helping competitive media in all sorts of ways but via the consumer .. Govt's insistence on keeping the BBC is typically British with its old establishment needs to control information . Well the information cat is out of the bag and is internet roaming .. For how long will we need the BBC with its heavily subsidised ways ?

BBC today, refused to run a Gazan Appeal because they maintain the stance of preserving their impartiality . At UserWatch we are not sure how you can be "impartial" about human rights of bombed people by Israels disproportionate actions and murder of people . Ghetto-isation and slow invalidation of people will make them crazed and extreme ... We of course have seen it in the Mental Health system which still quietly persecutes and drains the soul out of people while pretentious national top down dominion exists ..

Everyone needs human rights and the right to sustain their identity as opposed to the cornered one they are given by politically motivated dominations ..

This is the site below BBC are not openly disclosing to the public enough that will help the GAZA APPEAL

The situation
After an 18 month blockade of Gaza and three weeks of heavy shelling the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is now completely overwhelming.
  • Donate online to the DEC's Gaza Crisis nowDonate Now: Gaza Crisis
    Thousands of people are struggling to survive with many having lost their homes and most down to their last supplies of food and only limited amounts of fresh drinking water.
  • Just £25 can buy warm blankets for 8 children
  • Just £50 can provide a Food parcel for a family for one month
  • Electricity - supplies to Gaza are erratic at best with 75% of the area cut off completely. There is a significant public health risk arising out of the almost collapse of Gaza’s water and sewage system, the running of which is dependent on electricity.
  • Water - Around 500,000 people are without running water with 37% of Gaza’s water wells not working effectively and fuel reserves depleted due to restrictions on access and damage to pipes.
  • At least 412 Children have been killed and 1,855 injured
  • 60% of the population is living in poverty
  • 1.1 million people are dependent upon aid to survive.
  • Health - The capacity of the health system has been significantly reduced due to the damage of at least 21 clinics. Ten primary health care clinics are functioning as emergency clinics and hospitals and intensive care units continue to treat the mass casualties.

Thursday, January 22, 2009



Souls are sands now
And homes are bones

And tank commanders
Sit in restaurants
Like olden Rome's

Sweet talk wives
And girlfriends
On mobile phones .

For my hammer is a tank
For that village on the hill
And the land is a cross
And my nail shells will kill

Drink Palestinian red
Lets rock and roll
For I forget my history
And my stamped camped soul

(God rest our Jewish children of the trains too )

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

UK MP's To Block FOIA Transparency Into Expenses


To Avoid Expenses Accountability


We interrupt your normal email alert for an important message

On the 16th of May 2008 the High Court ruled that MPs' expenses
must be published under the Freedom of Information Act.

This Thursday, MPs are voting to change the law to keep their
expenses secret after all, just before publication was due and
after spending nearly a million of your pounds and seven months
compiling the data.

Your MP may not even know about this proposal (it was sneaked out
under the Heathrow runway announcement). Please take a few
minutes to alert them to this attack on Parliamentary
transparency and ask them to vote against the measure.

The outcome of this vote will be prominently displayed on every
MP's page until after the next General Election.

What can you do?

* Write to your MP to protest:

* Join this Facebook group:

* Blog about it, call a local newspaper - our unfinished site might help; text, email, and instant
message your friends to let them know that about this campaign.

Read more detail about mySociety's thoughts on this issue.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Mental Health UK - New Oven Building Jobs Announced

Keeping middle class people warmed is important in the UK . NHS CEO's now get well over £100k worth of woollies . Surestart a single mother social and job inclusion scheme started by Labour for disadvantged is used extensively by the middle class . 400,000 graduates look set to get special help of up to £2500 for internships in the recession and middle class people get mortagage help on the back of a credit black hole they and others helped to create .

Class apartheid ? Class hatred ? Nahh ...Surely not ... Mental health users though and the disabled are set to be re-tried for their disadvantages . Re-jobbed in some kind of way by a bankers-ideas (David Freud) .

Gone are the days of (NIMHE's ) "experts by experience" in mental health (MH) - but it was a term anyway that benefited the university type MH Users most, who stocked out NIMHE . The whole economy has now lost pleasant idealised picture pieces and the policy saw is rejigsawing another picture frame - but you can bet the middle class, who will accuse you of "class hatred" if you raise consciousness of their advantages , will be the first to get adaptive advantages .. They need their social warmth and they'll do it by framing others for the fire ..

No wonder there is crime , bad mental health and division in society with perpetuated lost opportunities ......The resource argument on a class basis is never had fully - never socially examined deep enough.. Its even pushed further down into the competition for resources with new ethnic groups from europe or anywhere, and then termed "racism" if it emerges rawly in underclass sentiments .... What a bloody social-confidence trick the UK is ... It creates a dog class and then kicks it .

Congratulations though to asian people in Birmingham (by god they showed local politicians up) and moslems in the UK for having the balls to stand up at the Town Hall for the Gaza Palestinians (the dramatically marginalised) while the rest of the UK middle classes worries about its graduates and the way the financial systems they exploit and support, tripped them up and over...

Source Mail

Middle-class families have the biggest debts in the country with many borrowers owing more than £50,000, a study reveals.

Those living in wealthier areas such as London and the South-East have borrowed almost four times as much as those living in Scotland and parts of the North-West.

The report by the credit reference agency Experian also shows that an individual's debts have typically risen by more than £2,000 over the last year.


Thursday, January 01, 2009

The Mad Mental Health Of New Labour's Grandiose Supercontrolling Superdatabase State

Exclusive Picture above - smuggled out by a Tory mole

Jaqui Smiths Own Special Design Of Building

To house the new "Good-Citizen-Superdatabase"

We are carrying a Dec 31st 2008 Guardian article in full below . It's well written . The State under Labour is becoming paranoia-producing and grandiose (see the ex Director of Public Prosecutions cutting remarks in the article) in its ideas about capturing everyone's emails and web activities . Labour really is barking like a Nazi dog .

We at UserWatch know the UK State is very command and control orientated - very pro an admin-state over everyone's lives - we have seen this in mental health scenarios which have turned into oppressive work driven "recovery treatments" which do not relate to Patient Choice or authentic shaping by patients because there are no powers for most patients to create a culture of purchased supply of adequate recovery help. You cannot measure authentic choice until there is a reality of it being empowered and it lies outside of the NHS super-state ..

"State knows best" - except it does not - its a cheap over overmanaged overcostly anti individual suppressive mechanism . Keep those at the bottom on cheap means otherwise those in the middle will have to share more .. Won't they ? Come on get real everyone ... Just see what there is and what we have become .

The people that are creating this comand and control State aided and abetted by Govt who need their votes are the middle class administrators with top planners behind them - they live off it - and large charities do too - enjoying an unprecedented rise to power as Labour with its magical social weave merchants gives them privileged treatment , influence and access to lottery money as well as new reinforcing bureacracies .

Who are you though ? You out there ? You are a social experiment if you are a mental health User..

The new age approaching of a combination of a freer voice on the web and the suppression of individuation and locality innovation (unless it agrees with Govt objectives) together with mass capital removing productive capacity from whole nations and leaving them jobless appears to us to be potentially explosive or even creative ... Depending on who you are and whether or not you are a politician or administrator with a comfortable job that needs to believe in a system that delivers more comfortable reality for you ...

Supercontrol as a concept has emerged with a European super-state. Its emerged with China controlling so much of the world's industrial production of goods. Its emerged with a massive downturn of the economy because too much unrealistic credit was produced .. Its emerged because of massive oil dependence and the refusal of the world to stop worshipping the choking Gods of fossil fuels .. Systems are in a contrary mess, Karl Marx rises from his grave to re-criticise and there's a ray of light - suddenly he wakes up to photovoltaic possibilities...Well maybe ...

And when chaos appears like the cheeky internet and everyone's email thoughts so does the need to oppress it and regulate it and control it .... Make everyone behave the same way around in a context of fear - its easier than questioning the fucking mess we are all in because we played out credit and money contradictions and we produced classes of people to socially control others lives that we kept without authentic empowerment - healing and proper inclusion via a new form of realistic distribution of resources. Nahhhh why bother with that ..

Let them eat fake ... Fake work, fake life, fake empowerment, fake democracy ...

From the Guardian By Alan Travis and Richard Norton Taylor

The private sector will be asked to manage and run a communications database that will keep track of everyone's calls, emails, texts and internet use under a key option contained in a consultation paper to be published next month by Jacqui Smith, the home secretary.

A cabinet decision to put the management of the multibillion pound database of all UK communications traffic into private hands would be accompanied by tougher legal safeguards to guarantee against leaks and accidental data losses.

But in his strongest criticism yet of the superdatabase, Sir Ken Macdonald, the former director of public prosecutions, who has firsthand experience of working with intelligence and law enforcement agencies, told the Guardian such assurances would prove worthless in the long run and warned it would prove a "hellhouse" of personal private information.

"Authorisations for access might be written into statute. The most senior ministers and officials might be designated as scrutineers. But none of this means anything," said Macdonald. "All history tells us that reassurances like these are worthless in the long run. In the first security crisis the locks would loosen."

The home secretary postponed the introduction of legislation to set up the superdatabase in October and instead said she would publish a consultation paper in the new year setting out the proposal and the safeguards needed to protect civil liberties. She has emphasised that communications data, which gives the police the identity and location of the caller, texter or web surfer but not the content, has been used as important evidence in 95% of serious crime cases and almost all security service operations since 2004 including the Soham and 21/7 bombing cases.

Until now most communications traffic data has been held by phone companies and internet service providers for billing purposes but the growth of broadband phone services, chatrooms and anonymous online identities mean that is no longer the case.

The Home Office's interception modernisation programme, which is working on the superdatabase proposal, argues that it is no longer good enough for communications companies to be left to retrieve such data when requested by the police and intelligence services. A Home Office spokeswoman said last night the changes were needed so law enforcement agencies could maintain their ability to tackle serious crime and terrorism.

Senior Whitehall officials responsible for planning for a new database say there is a significant difference between having access to "communications data" - names and addresses of emails or telephone numbers, for example - and the actual contents of the communications. "We have been very clear that there are no plans for a database containing any content of emails, texts or conversations," the spokeswoman said.

External estimates of the cost of the superdatabase have been put as high as £12bn, twice the cost of the ID cards scheme, and the consultation paper, to be published towards the end of next month, will include an option of putting it into the hands of the private sector in an effort to cut costs. But such a decision is likely to fuel civil liberties concerns over data losses and leaks. Macdonald, who left his post as DPP in October, told the Guardian: "The tendency of the state to seek ever more powers of surveillance over its citizens may be driven by protective zeal. But the notion of total security is a paranoid fantasy which would destroy everything that makes living worthwhile. We must avoid surrendering our freedom as autonomous human beings to such an ugly future. We should make judgments that are compatible with our status as free people."

Maintaining the capacity to intercept suspicious communications was critical in an increasingly complex world, he said. "It is a process which can save lives and bring criminals to justice. But no other country is considering such a drastic step. This database would be an unimaginable hell-house of personal private information," he said. "It would be a complete readout of every citizen's life in the most intimate and demeaning detail. No government of any colour is to be trusted with such a roadmap to our souls."

The moment there was a security crisis the temptation for more commonplace access would be irresistible, he said.

Other critics of the plan point to the problems of keeping the database secure, both from the point of view of the technology and of deliberate leaks. The problem would be compounded if private companies manage the system. "If there is a breach of security in that database it would be utterly devastating," one said.
