Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Mental Health SuperZero From The Land Of Far Tin

The SuperZero who is LINked into the NHS

With the great circus of charities like Re-think and Mind getting ready for their 7 million lottery pound media manipulation of the public to prove what a bunch of stigmatisers we all are towards mental health - while missing of course the serious lack of choices and autonomy in mental health recovery treatment supply sides that the patient can actually access - we also have the birth of Local Involvement Networks or LINks as it is known ..

New Labour though after annihilating the Community Health Councils and later their replacements the Patient and Public Involvement Forums (just as some were finding their teeth) have now opted for Council initiated LINks.....

Here we go around empty tin bush in Far-Tin land then .....However we note on a miracle's potential edge that the SuperZero above might develop one red dripping tooth ....OOOOOOeeeeee......Wicked ...

Don't you need two to actually form a bite though ?

Hell.....We are not even dentists ....As a matter of fact what is a dentist in the UK ? - Most people don't know apart from M.P.'s with gold fillings paid for on Nanny's expenses and second home allowances ...

LINks Information Below :

Local Involvement Networks (LINks) bulletin

  • Last modified date:
    2 June 2008

Monthly DH newsletters intended to keep stakeholders and interested parties aware of the progress being made towards the establishment of LINks, and provide helpful tips and advice about gearing up for LINks, and how to get involved in preparations both locally and nationally.


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