Monday, November 19, 2007

Guardian Unlimited UK Supports Timing Of Figma Drive


In the interest of unfairness we distort on some distortions today in order to re-stort them properly ... There should be a word "RE-STORT" .... But that is for another campaign ....We know you are all clever ....ish ....You'll get the drift of where our re-balancing imbalanced unfairness lies ...Damn these paradoxes are everwhere nowadays ...

At UseWatch we have been watching the Rigma-Dance that the London-centric "movers and shakers", the twisters ....have been putting on. And watching the looping arms in the "you are in the loop" "Anti-Stigma-drive" two step, by the grant gobbling charities. The "Drive" is ofcourse an exagerrated outgrowth and twistedly skillful mis-use of the social and family taboo about being emotionally real in life.

Because lets face it , family life and social life is often neurotic, imbalanced unreal and shitty - especially in the UK, and moreso in its emotionally unkind class-riddled groups..

The problem is, "Anti Stigma" is warped now into the Charity and Govt constructed Work-Driven Mental Health NHS system that is going to get the "workless" on benefits back to work .. ...... What as ? Journalists ? Who knows...But the entry level bait was put out there and has hardly succeeded with many who were not middle class - those that had a bit of entry, got up the behind of NIMHE, only to fijnd later their behinds were got up by the DoH DWP vaseline band....

By avoiding the truer negotiation of supports , development grants, and the driver of vouchers of choice with real patients through a mechanism of real "Patient Choice" which never happened in mental health, the substitute became bureacracy and the growth of the Charitocracy through Sainsbury's Centre For Mental Health and all its networkers. They have been busily enaged in new social engineering enterprises which take away money from real patients and their right to evolve a culture and economy that suits their difference...

The show goes on and the ideology needs rebalancing quickly by good solid pisstaking at the strange and wonderful fairground mirrors that the Media pretends to present as straight reflection ..... The Guardian we think has been slipping in a bit of grease to the master plan of what is called welfare "reform" .... Ohhhh here's a little singy song film by an Ovalteeny before you read on ....

Find more videos like this on Mad Planet

Today Peter Hain rolls out more propaganda against old Tony's "workless class" and disabled. That eventually means stress and shit for a lot of folk with mental illness . The Guardian SUPPORTS the "Anti Stigma" drive back to work and by implication blames the attitudes of employers and others. Underlying though is the middle class angst about being emotionally honest in life while the provincial mentally ill are left in treatmentless community trenches ready to become new slaves of a rotten system that does not support them properly and gives them real choices .

Its the Middle Class NHS out there ... Saving money at local Trust levels by refusing full complements of staff and resources, and diverting it to show MONITOR (the Foundation Trust Watchdog) they are "financially healthy " to go into the Foundation Trust bids ... Make no mistake the surpluses in the MH NHS Trust are made on the back of under-servicing patients....

What we have is an angst ridden Middle Class, Top-Down ruling in Mental Health in the UK . Like the rest of the national life. The contradictions are typical because the Middle Class favour right wing economics for themselves unless it affects some of their public service inner colonial lives and they are "liberal" with social and planning issues so long as its outside of their areas and the impact is on others they can call racist or some other label which conceals that they themselves do not feel the direct impact of the policies of their high ground moral liberalisms.

The Third Sectorisation of the NHS and the welfare state is set to be the new socio-economic way the Middle Classes keep their privileges intact on the back of new social service lands to colonise.... They will succeed in creating more economic room for themselves with the pre-ponderance of them being in charge . That is happening in mental health.... Would "Patient Choice" at local level have been better ? Very possibly because where patients become drivers of their own care they lower crisis points and stabilise into User-led management ..SEE THE ROTHERAM DIRECT PAYMENTS FILM

However Direct Payments mechanisms have been suppressed by social workers and staff across the UK .... We wonder what class they were in .........?

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